Today’s Mobile App Platforms – iOS, Android, Windows App Development
In the modern day, our smart phone can be as common to us as our house keys or wallet. One of the things we value them for is apps, which can give us all sorts of ways to stay informed, entertained and in touch. But behind the screen and the flashy wallpaper, how does the mobile app development magic happen? In this blog, we take a look at some of the leading operating systems which mobile apps can be deployed on, and examine their characteristics: Android According to research, Android has a 44 per cent market share of smart phone users in the UK , underlining its popularity. The Android operating system is widely used on a wide variety of smart phones – from Samsung to Sony. Source code for Android app development is made available via the Android Open Source Project (AOSP). This is an initiative which is led by Google. Android apps are commonly written with the Android Software Development Kit (SDK) and the Java programming language. Java can be used in ta...