PO Box — A Thing Of The Past?
Historically PO Boxes were physically housed in post offices up and down the country, soon these were offered by businesses as a way of competing with the post office. A PO Box would allow the user to utilize a specific address (including the words PO Box) to an address controlled by the post office — the post office would then hold onto the mail for collection. Over time the PO Box has evolved with additional options such as forwarding to a different address along with the usual collection — this enabled a business to have a PO Box in one city but be based in another. This worked well for a lot of mail order businesses who often couldn’t manage or handle the possible volume of inbound mail and who perhaps didn’t have an address they wanted to advertise (it’s a fact that potential customers reviewing a company will look at the location prior to making certain purchases — this isn’t always the case but consider the public perception of your company ...