
Showing posts from April, 2020

PO Box — A Thing Of The Past?

Historically PO Boxes were physically housed in post offices up and down the country, soon these were offered by businesses as a way of competing with the post office. A PO Box would allow the user to utilize a specific address (including the words PO Box) to an address controlled by the post office — the post office would then hold onto the mail for collection. Over time the PO Box has evolved with additional options such as forwarding to a different address along with the usual collection — this enabled a business to have a PO Box in one city but be based in another. This worked well for a lot of mail order businesses who often couldn’t manage or handle the possible volume of inbound mail and who perhaps didn’t have an address they wanted to advertise (it’s a fact that potential customers reviewing a company will look at the location prior to making certain purchases — this isn’t always the case but consider the public perception of your company ...

4 tips on creating an effective infographic Image

Infographics  have soared in popularity as of late. They provide a great way of presenting visually attractive data as part of your  bespoke web design . They can make elaborate or complicated information quick to attain and easy to understand. But, what is the difference between a good and a bad infographic? 1. Make it visually obvious Your reader has no clue regarding what information you are going to be presenting. This should be made immediately obvious, and it needs to be easy to digest. But remember; show it, don’t tell it e.g., put it in a graph, rather than writing it in a sentence. 2. Don’t lose focus You can easily get caught up in making your graphic visually attractive – using different colours and effects. This is, of course, important, but you need to make sure your main attention is focused on directing your viewer to the key area of visualisation. What is the point you are trying to get across with this data? Infographics are about relaying informat...