The importance of checking your employees’ right to work

Do you understand the basics around work eligibility and know how to check whether prospective employees are eligible to work in the UK? There are a few checks which are vital, including ensuring that potential or existing employees have the right to work in the UK, and as an employer, the obligation is on you to carry out the checks. 
Understanding eligibility

There are three scenarios that allow someone to work in the UK without a work permit. These are: if you’re a British citizen, you live in the European Economic Area or you’re a Swiss national.

Anyone who doesn’t fall into one of these categories will have to apply for a visa and/or a work permit. A word of caution – a visa will give an individual the right to be in the UK but not always the right to work.

If someone applies for a job without having the right to work, it’s up to their employer to apply for the work permit if they wish to make an offer of employment. An individual cannot apply for a work permit, and there are also different permit lengths which will need to be renewed.


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